
Our excellent builders worked incredible hours over the last week (often long into the evening) to prepare the building as much as possible for our Ribbon Cutting Day. They completed most of the plumbing, a lot of electrical work, carpeting upstairs, clearing the parking lot, and a million details. Thank you for your help in supporting this expansion. Every donation is precious and plays a role in making possible His Holiness’ vision of a world of people choosing altruistic minds and compassionate-hearted lives. Please JOIN IN TODAY! Donations may be sent through the mail, by calling 502-614-5616 or on our website:

Sign up now for these new Compassion Education Programs:

Self-Compassion for Women with Pamela Cotton, Ph.D.

4 Wednesdays, June 3 – 24, 10:00 am – Noon

Walking the Path of Jesus and Buddha with Vanessa F. Hurst

4 Tuesdays, June 2 – 23, 10:00 to 11:30 am

Meditation II: Meditation in Action with Peter Buecker, MD

4 Thursdays, June 4 to 25, 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Kirtan and Pranayama Meditation Practice with Erik Dennes

June 8, 7:00 – 8:30 pm OR June 11, 10:00 – 11:30 am


Self-Compassion for Women with Pamela Cotton, Ph.D.

4 Wednesdays, June 3 – 24, 10:00 am – Noon    

This four-week class on self-compassion will introduce women to our current understanding of self-compassion, why compassion is an essential part of our nature, and tools that can be used to help us remember and return to the basic nature of who we are. This program is a mindfulness-based class that draws largely upon Kristen Neff and Christopher Germer’s work in the field and will include working with body states and emotions. This introduction to self-compassion is offered as a beginning of an ongoing process that we each take forward as we nurture the self-compassion within.

$139, Enrollment limit: 10 women


Walking the Path of Jesus and Buddha with Vanessa F. Hurst

4 Tuesdays, June 2 – 23, 10:00 to 11:30 am    

The Way of Compassion was the lived experience of both Jesus and Buddha. Each created a bridge from his intent to his compassionate action. We want to mirror this way of being, but life seems to interfere. The connection between our intent and action becomes blurred. This four-session class draws upon the spiritual traditions of Christianity and Buddhism and includes these topics: Passionately Building a Foundation of Awareness, Embracing Life As It Is, Taking an Intentional Look at You, Building the Bridge While Walking Across It. Pre-requisite: The desire to live with curious daring and courage as you become fully awake and fully compassionate.   Text: Engaging Compassion Through Intent and Action, by Vanessa Hurst



Meditation II: Meditation in Action with Peter Buecker, MD

4 Thursdays, June 4 to 25, 6:30 – 8:30 pm  

Sustained happiness requires a wise and skillful approach to life. This 4-week class will explore how to take your personal meditation practice and put it into action in the context of the life you are currently living. Topics will include application of meditative awareness to cultivate healthy communication, relationships, social and workplace interactions, and management of stressful situations such as life transitions and aging. This class is a natural sequel to Meditation I, but may be taken as a stand-alone class.

$99; Multi-class Discount: $140 for Meditation II and III (8 sessions)


Kirtan and Pranayama Meditation Practice with Erik Dennes

June 8, 7:00 – 8:30 pm OR June 11, 10:00 – 11:30 am  

You are invited into a profound process that employs repetitive singing of a mantra with breath to calm the body and mind, and create the conditions for effective one-pointed concentration in meditation. The presentation includes a general overview of pranayama (breathing), the demonstration and practice of several pranayama techniques, and a discussion on how to use pranayama and other techniques as effective antidotes to different levels of mental distraction. The practice phase will include the repetitive singing of a Sanskrit mantra accompanied with tanpura (an Indian drone instrument that is used as a background for Indian classical music), guided pranayama practice, and silent meditation.

Registration required. $15 suggested donation


Sign up on our website or call 614-5616.