Dharma Resources
Follow the links below to uncover a rich source of study material to assist and deepen your Dharma practice.
Nagarjuna's Precious Garland (Chapter 1 & 4)
2018 Meditation Topic for Saturday’s Teachings
The Root text of Seven Point Mind Training for Sunday Class
Three Texts – The 37 Practices of Bodhisattvas, The Eight Verses of Mind Training & The Three Principal Aspects of Path.
Three Principal Aspects of Paths
A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life (Bachlor)
More resources on Shantideva text A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life
Stages of Meditation (Root Text)
Mandala Offering Instruction
Mandala Offering Hand Posture
The Hundreds of Deities of the Land of Joy and how to practice it
Refuge Vow Ceremony
Eight Mahayana Precepts
Mandala Three Rings
Root Text The Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment
The Commentary to the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment
The Thirty-Seven Factors of Enlightenment
Resources related to Chapter 9 (Wisdom)
Introduction to Dzogchen
Yarsol Sheldhon Pecha 2015 (Tibetan Text)
Prayers for His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Tibet Cause (English)
The Four Great Logical Arguments of the Middle Way
The Thirty-Seven Practices of All the Bodhisattvas
The Eight Verses of Mind Training (Root Text)
Om Mani Pay May Hum Chart
The Four Seals of Dharma (Intro)
The Four Mindfulness (Intro)
Dependent Arising and Emptiness (Intro)
Bodhicitta (Intro)
Buddha Nature (Intro)
Selflessness-101 (Intro)
Patience (Intro)
karma (Intro)
Tantra (Intro)
Shamatha meditation by Allan Wallace
Why practice Shamatha by Allan Wallace
Resource books for Intro to meditation
(For Retreat) Purifcation with Vajrasattva and the Four Opponent Powers
(For Retreat) Vajrasattva mantra
Three Principal Aspects of the Path
Calm Abiding Meditation Outline
Antidote chart for Calm Abiding meditation
Five ways of Breathing meditation (brief)
Intro to Buddhism (Jan 2019. Class handout: Precious Human Rebirth)
Intro to Meditation (Feb 2019 Class handout: Calm Abiding Method)
Intro to Buddhism (Feb 2019 Class handout: The luminous nature of the Mind)
Intro to Buddhism (March 2019 Class handout: Refuge Practice)
Intro to Buddhism (March 2019 class handout: The Four Noble Truth)
Intro to Buddhism (April 2019 Class handout: Faith)
Intro to Buddhism (May 2019 Class handout:Bodhichitta)
Intro to Buddhism (July 2019 class handout: The first turning of wheel of Dharma-Four Noble Truth)
Intro to Buddhism (Class handout: Patience)
Intro to Buddhism (Class handout: Four Mindfulness)