Local Environmental Challenges
Environmental Injustice Issues
in Our Backyard
with Tim Darst
Executive Director of Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light
Tuesday, January 29, 7-8pm
FREE and open to the public
What environmental issues does our community face? Are we doing better or worse than other cities? Tim Darst will answer these questions and talk about some of the things we can do to make our city cleaner and healthier.
TIM DARST is the founder of Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light and has served as executive director since the organization’s inception in 2007.
Tim and his wife live in a solar-powered house, grow a lot of their own food and are regular bicycle and bus commuters.
He is active with Project Warm, the Food Literacy Project, the University of Louisville Sustainable Operations Committee, GRASS, St. William’s Church Environmental Concerns Committee, and the Passionist Earth & Spirit Center.
This program is underwritten and made possible through the Stephen Theineman Earth Reverence Fund.