Equanimity Meditation – Mantra Meditation with Mindful Insight into Daily Life
with Melanie McCool
3 Wednesday Mornings, 10:00 – 11:15am, July 3, 10, and 17, 2019
Equanimity meditation is a mantra-based technique that brings your body into a state of profound rest and relaxation and allows your mind to achieve a state of inner peace. The practice is effortless, requiring no concentration, only 20 minutes of your time. This form of meditation is evidence-based and has been shown to be highly effective in increasing inner calm and feelings of happiness, lessening stress and anxiety, reducing inflammation and even lessening chronic pain.
By also incorporating readings and wisdom from many great teachers, you will develop a wider lens, allowing a more mindful approach to your daily life. In this class series Melanie will share the knowledge of over 30 years of experience to help you develop a practice that feels effortless and easy to incorporate into your daily life.
This three-session class is part of DGCEC’s compassion education offerings that are taught from the perspective of no single religious tradition.
Melanie McCool has been teaching meditation for over 15 years and has had her own practice for over 30. She has studied meditation, yoga and ayurveda with numerous teachers. Most recently she completed an MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) teacher training program through the UCSD Medical School. Her approach to wellness is holistic, incorporating the latest research in neuroscience, nutrition and physical fitness.
Cost: $95 or Early Bird $75 by June 19
Registration and credit card payment at DrepungGomangUSA.org under “Sign Up For Classes”, or by calling 502-614-5616. Payment holds your spot in the class. Checks can be made to DGCEC and mailed to “Classes”, 411 N. Hubbards Lane, Louisville 40207.