Register Now for Excellent Classes that Begin Soon:

fler de lotus


Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction with John Shealy, PhD and Karen Bess, MFTA:

6 Wednesdays, 10am – Noon, Feb 10 – Mar 16 ($400 to $200 sliding scale; student rate available – call 614-5616)


Self-Compassion for Women with Pamela Cotton, PhD:

3 Mondays, Feb 8 – 22, 10am – 12:30pm; $139, Early Bird: $119 by 2/4/16; Enrollment limit 10 women


Cultivating Compassion for Everyday Happiness with Kevin Brown

Feb 16 – Mar 8, 15, 22, 29, Tuesdays, 6:30 – 8:30pm ($65: Early Bird; $55 by Feb 2)


FREE MOVIE NIGHT: GMO OMG; Thursday, Feb 18, 5:30pm at DGCEC

Eating is fundamental. Eating well requires a keen understanding of the difference between organic and conventional foods, as well as the risks associated with consuming genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In an effort to educate you, your friends, and your family on these topics, and to ultimately empower you to make informed decisions about the foods you eat, Awaken to Wellness Center is hosting a movie night at DGCEC featuring GMO OMG, a film by Jeremy Seifert ( You are invited to watch the film, share discussion and enjoy healthy appetizers. Free Admission with a guest. RSVP by Feb 4: 454-3500 or


Full information and registration HERE